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Scoville unit or SHU is the common unit to reference how hot a particular pepper is.


Capsaicin is the component in peppers which is the primary component of the heat.


The Dragon's Breath pepper is rated at 2.48 million SHU.


The Carolina Reaper is rated at 2 million SHU.


The Trinidad Scorpion is rated at 1.2 million SHU.


The Ghost Pepper is rated at 1 million SHU.


The Habanero is rated at 350,000 SHU.


The Jalapeno is rated at 8.000 SHU.


Fermented sauces are unlike any of the typical retail hot sauces in that the flavor explodes.  This is due to the Lacto-Fermentation process.  Lactobacillus is a very good bacteria that is the key to this ancient method of food preservation.

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